What We're Up To
TeamCAN is partnering with members in local communities to work for meaningful change.
A Worker-Owned Temp Agency
The temp industry often charges $30–$55/hour to clients and pays $8–$10/hour to workers, keeping them in a cycle of poverty. The Corridor Temp Workers Coop (CTWC) lowers costs for clients and pays workers closer to $15/hour.
CTWC empowers outstanding workers by connecting them with quality companies, allowing them to earn a living wage with pride and dignity for the betterment of the community. This model can be duplicated across the state with the help of TeamCAN.
Learn more at www.corridortemp.org.
Activism Training & Support
TeamCAN provides progressive action organizations and individual activists with training opportunities based on identified local needs, in collaboration with the organization's leadership. TeamCAN organizers also assist with event planning, publicity, and logistical support.
For more information, contact Jesse Case at jcase@iowalabor.com or 319.365.1461.
Farm to Front Door Program
A Distribution of Fresh, Organic Produce in Eastern Iowa for Residents Who Are Food Insecure
Over the Summer, TeamCAN purchased over 2,000 pounds of organic food from a local farmer in Alta, Iowa, and distributed it to low-income mostly Latino residents in trailer courts in Alta, Iowa City, and Columbus Junction, and to the food pantry for the First Presbyterian Church in Mount Pleasant which is assisting families who are victims of a recent ICE raid in that community.
Our goal is to reduce the cost and carbon footprint by regionalizing this network so people are receiving organic food grown in or close to their communities.